New Series: Culture

Join College at IBC for the start of a new series on Culture at our new time on Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. in the Commons Annex (opposite The Commons) at IBC. This new series will feature in-depth discussion on the culture surrounding college life not just the parties and the laid back lifestyle but the philosophical views and ideas that are developing on college campuses everywhere. We’ll discuss the way movies, books, tv shows and music affect  our views on morality and our core Christian beliefs. We are super excited about this series and can’t wait for you to join us!Young Couple Sitting with a Pile of Books

New Logo!


Check out our new logo design and new name!! We’re now officially College at IBC and thanks to Josh Wiese we have a cool new design! Love! Hopefully all this newness will lead to some new blog posts. Sorry about that!

College Redefined

What is normal? This is a question I’ve thought about a lot in recent years. I went to charter school where we didn’t have football and other things that a “normal” high school would have. In my group of friends, I was the only one who didn’t play sports. I was a theatre nerd who loved to play music. I was different in comparison to other high schoolers. When the time came to decide what I wanted to do after high school, I realized that going to a four year university wasn’t what God had in store for me, so I paid a visit to my local Air Force recruiting office, and on April 14, 2011 I took the oath of enlistment. I want to make one thing clear, I AM going to college. I get college credit from all the training I go though and I can get my bachelor’s and master’s degree online, through the Air Force. So, I’m going to get the same degrees as those who choose to attend a four year university, but I’m just going about it in a different way.

I know it’s not the “norm”, but let’s be honest; I’ve never been a “normal” teenager. I didn’t play sports, I didn’t go to Friday night football games, and I’m not going to a college like everyone around me. Is that so wrong? Why should you be ashamed that you stick out a bit? God created us with a specific purpose in mind. God made us, and God doesn’t make mistakes. As Christians, we are called to be sanctified, or set apart from the rest of the world. If you’re happy with where you are in life and you’re staying true to God and His plan for your life, then you ARE normal.

Paul Eiler

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

In case you’re still looking for us on Tuesday nights in the Alcove, we’ve moved! We’re now meeting in the Mosaic cafe (above the Alcove) on Sunday nights after the 5 o’clock service. Check out more details on our new format under Sundays. Are you a Sunday night church goer? Sit with us in the center section in the back two rows right in front of the video booth. Miss Tuesday nights? Don’t worry we’ve have 1st Tuesdays coming soon.

Pizza with the Preacher is back!

College aged peeps, join us for pizza and dialogue with one of the members of the IBC teaching team.

Oh yeah, if you’re a high school senior you’re invited too. (You’re so mature)

Attend the 5pm service, and think about what kind of questions you might want to ask the preacher. And yes, you can ask whatever you like.

If you don’t mind, let us know you’re going to be there so we know how much pizza to get AND tell us what you like on your pizza and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

RSVP at our Facebook event page.

What’s the Consequence?

As we near the end of our series on the Minor Prophets we’ve read book after book about Israel’s rebellion and the devastating consequences they suffer and I’ve learned that it’s hard to follow God. It’s hard to remain faithful and sometimes we just want to do what we want to do. But, God demands faithfulness. He deserves it. And we want compromise, just a little bit of the world and a little bit of Jesus. Is that what it means to follow Christ? In this series I’ve gone from thinking God is way too harsh to wondering why he doesn’t just wash his hands of us and start over. Then I remember, God is faithful, even if we are faithless, he will remain faithful because he cannot disown himself. (2 Timothy 2:13)

Here’s a little cartoon that you might enjoy that kind of goes along with this post.

Disclaimer: the naked pastor may be an entertaining commentary on religion but, IBC College does not endorse this blog or even agree with everything it has to say.

Hosea for a New Generation

This past Tuesday we studied the book of Hosea and shifted our focus from Hosea to the prostitute God tells him to marry. I know many of us have read Hosea and I think most of us would identify with the prophet’s position in the story. I mean, who wouldn’t rather be Hosea than the prostitute, right? Hosea is the good guy who humbles himself in unconditional love to an unfaithful wife. We want to be the faithful ones but…sometimes we’re not.
    More often than not, we are the prostitute and the heart of this book is God’s unfailing love for a rebellious people. But God, in his grace and mercy offers them hope. And he does the same for us today in whatever situation we are in and no matter where we have prostituted ourselves. God in his grace and mercy offers hope for us.

Get Involved

Partner with us in prayer for our city.
Have you ever seen that large spotlight in the sky? It’s not pointing the way to a new restaurant or hotel. This spotlight leads to one of the many strip clubs in Dallas. Why am I telling you this? Because we want you to pray for these places, the workers, the customers and our community. In light of our study on the prophet Hosea we want to pray for prostitutes not just because they are lost and need a Savior but because in many ways we are just like them prostituting ourselves in front of the idols in our life and the momentary satisfaction that they bring.
Partner with us as we shine light in a dark place.
If you pick up a Dallas Observer and flip to the back you will see ads upon ads for adult services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The same is true for their online website. We want to shine light in this dark place by buying one or more ads in this section and printing a message of hope. Our goal is to place the ad either in print or online next month around February 14th. Details will be given as we near the date.