College Redefined

What is normal? This is a question I’ve thought about a lot in recent years. I went to charter school where we didn’t have football and other things that a “normal” high school would have. In my group of friends, I was the only one who didn’t play sports. I was a theatre nerd who loved to play music. I was different in comparison to other high schoolers. When the time came to decide what I wanted to do after high school, I realized that going to a four year university wasn’t what God had in store for me, so I paid a visit to my local Air Force recruiting office, and on April 14, 2011 I took the oath of enlistment. I want to make one thing clear, I AM going to college. I get college credit from all the training I go though and I can get my bachelor’s and master’s degree online, through the Air Force. So, I’m going to get the same degrees as those who choose to attend a four year university, but I’m just going about it in a different way.

I know it’s not the “norm”, but let’s be honest; I’ve never been a “normal” teenager. I didn’t play sports, I didn’t go to Friday night football games, and I’m not going to a college like everyone around me. Is that so wrong? Why should you be ashamed that you stick out a bit? God created us with a specific purpose in mind. God made us, and God doesn’t make mistakes. As Christians, we are called to be sanctified, or set apart from the rest of the world. If you’re happy with where you are in life and you’re staying true to God and His plan for your life, then you ARE normal.

Paul Eiler

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